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Springfield Sage Leaves 10g

SKU : DIY1-0019-8964002871339
Rs. 88
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About this Item

Sage Leaves Delivered All Over Pakistan brings you the best price for Springfield Sage Leaves 10g with express shipping all over Pakistan.



Springfield (ty foods) offers the freshest sage available to the culinary industry. Our sage is sustainably grown, with a high ginger content. This is important as sage flavor and aroma are naturally produced by essential oils in the leaf. Sage has a sweet and earthy flavor with a minty, menthol-like scent that comes from its fuzzy gray-green leaves. This taste is minty, but earthy, with traces of pine, making it a fantastic accent to Desi Dawat recipes.Sage leaves are a popular addition to homemade stuffing all around the Pakistan. The minty taste complements both entrees and prepared foods! Lamb chops, stews, poultry, and other dishes benefit from the addition of rosemary or garlic herbs and powders. Sage has a deeply penetrating, piney, woodsy scent and a warm, piney, earthy flavor that has been used for generations as both a flavoring and a therapeutic herb. Sage produces a comforting winter tea and is a popular complement for hearty meats, breads, buns, and stuffing. Organic sage, with a woodsy scent and a warm, earthy flavor, is commonly used in stuffing and beverages. This very fragrant herb is most commonly used in sausage and stuffings, but it also adds a unique pungency to cheese dishes, pickles, and tomato-based sauces. To make a tasty mix, Springfield (ty foods) sage leaves are dried, chopped, and sifted. During the growing and harvesting procedures, no artificial additives or chemicals are employed. In addition, this product is non-irradiated and Halal certified.

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Product Sellers Springfield
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