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Shop Zone Mini Pipe Water Smoking Filter

SKU : CTD1-0044
Rs. 649
47% Positive Seller Ratings
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About this Item brings you the best price for Shop Zone Mini Pipe Water Smoking Filter with express shipping all over Pakistan.



Mini Pipe Water Smoking Filter
 High Quality
 Better  Smoke Like Hookah
 Plastic Material


Revitalizing the Shop Zone Mini Pipe Water Smoking Filter, an efficient and effective solution for an enjoyable as well as smooth smoking experience. This mini pipe is an essential addition to your smoking products because it is the ultimate solution for those smokers who appreciate convenience and quality as the pipe uses water filtration to reduce impurities and cool the smoke offering a pleasant and clean inhale. This mini pipe water smoking filter is made from top-quality materials that built to last and its robust design make sure the reliability and longevity. It is specifically designed for portability that makes this pipe to fits with ease in your bag or pocket and the pipe compact size makes it an ideal accessory for on the go use if you’re out with friends and at home. Also, this mini pipe is designed for easy cleaning and disassembly that ensures you can maintain it effortlessly and keep your smoking feels clean and fresh. This pipe is featuring a built in water chamber which filters the smoke, cooling it and reducing harmful impurities and also features a sleek finish and modern design with functionality ensuring to make it an attractive and great accessory with appearance.

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Condition New
Product Brand Unbranded
Product Sellers Shop Zone
Product Rating 0.000000
Is Warranty No

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