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Muzamil Store Toothpaste Dispenser with Brush Holder

SKU : AEG1-0637
Rs. 880
36% Positive Seller Ratings
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About this Item brings you the best price for Muzamil Store Toothpaste Dispenser with Brush Holder with express shipping all over Pakistan. 



1. Fixed squeeze toothpaste manner; might be constant computerized toothpaste to easy the wall, use a smooth rag to wipe the two aspects of the plastic movie torn constant in the chest the right area.
2. Open the front cowl.
3. Gently pinch the squeeze button on each sides separated from the fuselage.
4. Pull the toothpaste inhaler out of the front.
5. Push the brand new toothpaste firmly into the toothpaste inhaler.
6. Insert the inserted toothpaste and inhaler together with the authentic site.
7. The squeeze button assembly to the authentic site.
8. cover the lid.

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Product Brand Unbranded
Product Sellers Muzamil Store
Is Warranty No

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