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SKU : DC-0046-MP
Rs. 1,090
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About this Item brings you the best price for Audionic Alien 2 Portable Speaker with 1 year official warranty and express shipping all over Pakistan.


Since 15 years of energetic hard effort in the field of technology, Audionic engineered many quantities of quality products, which are known for its high features and specifications. After many achievements in the field of electronics, Audionic presented an innovative concept to deliver electronic device with name Alien-2 which is especially designed to cater fresh segment that likes advanced style speakers with next level sound output, in small Alien-2 Audionic accommodated first-class technology that can last for many years. The 2.5 inches double speakers sustain enough output power that yields in quality sound output. Apart from its excellent functioning it is made from quality measurable jet-black material to profile it as an alien creature. These unusual speakers are especially engineered for the laptop user who depends on low sound output level, using Alien-2 speakers allow user to experience high output level in small size speakers.


Drive Unite:

2.5”x 2

Output Power

P.M.P.O: 300W

R.M.S: 12Watts

Frequency Response 

180 Hz ~ 20 kHz


4 Ohms

Input Power

AC 220V/5Hz


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Product Brand Audionic
Product Sellers Dany Technologies
Product Rating 0.000000
Is Warranty Yes
Warranty Text 1 Year Official

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